Healthcare Reform Update

Hidden Costs: Publishing their findings in a series of working papers and policy briefs, a pair of senior researchers examined the cost-benefit analyses used to implement provisions of the Affordable Care Act.  In their study, “Beware the Road to Presumption”, Jerry Ellig (Senior Research Fellow at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center) and Christopher Conover (Research Scholar at Duke University’s Center for Health Policy & Inequalities Research), determined that the major regulations issued to implement the health reform law were “rushed, seriously incomplete, and rarely used to inform decisions.”

Essential Health Benefits: A coalition of patient groups has asked HHS to extend the comment period beyond the end of this month on current efforts seeking to establish a defined set of essential health benefits.  The administration’s decision last month to leave these determinations largely to the states has resulted in calls for a delay in implementing a key regulation of the Affordable Care Act.

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