Urge Your Representative to Cosponsor H.R. 1206!

Urge Your Representative to Cosponsor H.R. 1206! Take Action! http://capwiz.com/nahu/home/

Yesterday Michigan Representative Mike Rogers (R-8) and Georgia Representative John Barrow (D-12), along with 14 bi-partisan cosponsors, introduced formal legislation to remove broker compensation from the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rule. This legislation would prevent the MLR regulation issued under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) from causing reduction to the commissions of agents and brokers and therefore limiting consumer access to crucial services provided by insurance producers on a daily basis.
As many of you may be aware, the MLR requirement is having a devastating financial impact on the country’s approximately half-million licensed professional health insurance agents and brokers and their employees and clients—the millions of employers and individual Americans who purchase private health insurance coverage each year.
We are asking all citizens to take a few minutes to contact their representative in Congress through Operation Shout! and strongly urge them to cosponsor H.R. 1206, which will remove agent and broker commissions from the MLR calculation. MLR regulation, as it currently stands, is causing disruption in all insurance markets, forcing insurers to eliminate or reduce key business activities that help consumers and control costs, such as fraud prevention and claims management. The new requirements also limit the ability of insurers to offer low-cost plan alternatives and, over time, they will reduce the number of insurers willing to write health insurance in the individual and small-group markets, leaving consumers underserved and causing countless insured individuals to lose their health coverage.
H.R. 1206 is one of only a handful of proposals introduced thus far that will amend PPACA on a bipartisan basis. Currently there are sixteen total sponsors/cosponsors. They include Rep. Rogers (R-MI), Rep. Barrow (D-GA), Rep. Blackburn (R-TN), Rep. McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Rep. Roskam (R-IL), Rep. Holden (D-PA), Rep. McClintock (R-CA), Rep. Burgess (R-TX), Rep. Boren (D-OK), Rep. Carter (R-TX), Rep. Heck (R-NV), Rep. Rokita (R-IN), Rep. Austria (R-OH), Rep. Walsh (R-IL), Rep. Stivers (R-OH) and Rep. Ross (D-AR).
It is not too late for your Representative to get on board as a cosponsor. We want to send a strong signal of support for this bill before the upcoming recess and need your help to do so!
Please take a moment today to “Take Action” and send your representatives a message urging him/her to strongly consider cosponsoring H.R. 1206!
If your representative has already signed on to the bill please do not send this letter but rather a personal thank you to his/her office would be a great way to show our collective appreciation and support of their efforts!
Thank you for continuing to make your voices heard!

Got to, to write your Representative Today!! http://capwiz.com/nahu/home/

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